10:30 AM10:30

Creative Meet-Up at the Ulster Museum

Visit the Museum for a sketch or two. Meet-Up at the foyer. Bring your own materials. Chat with other artists. Have a wander around the museum collections and draw…

Everyone is welcome. This is not a taught workshop but a chance to meet other creative people and to share ideas. There is no obligation to stay for the two hours either…totally relaxed and flexible.

See you there.

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to Dec 14

Friday Painting Workshops 9.30-11.30am Boom Studios Bangor Co.Down

  • Google Calendar ICS

Weekly Friday Painting Sessions @Boom Studios every Friday throughout the year.

9.30-11.30am £10 Tea/Coffee included.

Bring yourself, your paints, canvases/papers to our artists collective. We can share techniques, skills and ideas each week and inspire you to create your own masterpiece!

Relaxed and friendly sessions. All abilities welcome. Any artistic style welcome…room to explore and to create larger work.

Top floor workshop with lift access and/ or stairs depending upon your own needs. 🎨

Booking via

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7:00 PM19:00

Weekly Tuesday Painting Workshops @Boom Studios Bangor Co.Down

Weekly Painting Workshops for all abilities 🎨

Bring yourself, your paints & canvases/paper and join our new group. £10 for 2 hours with advice available when necessary/ you want it.

You can work figuratively, abstract, expressionist, futurist, surrealist…any way you want to paint. Sharing ideas and tips each week, you can create your own masterpiece!

Booking via

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7:00 PM19:00

Registration evening Tuesday Painting Workshops

Welcome to our new group on Tuesday evenings from 7-9pm in Boom Studios, Bangor (

Suitable for all abilities and ages from 16-100, our sessions will allow you to develop your artistic skills and enable you to produce a finished piece of art by the end of the term.

10 weeks @£10 per 2 hour session working in a thriving artists' collective surrounded by others seeking to develop their creative skills*. You can 🎨 paint, draw, sew, collage your way to a finished piece at your own pace. Just bring yourself and your ideas along.

There is a working lift in the building. 

*We will have a half-term at the end of October. 

Materials List: these are suggested materials but not essential or extensive 


acrylic brushes, sable brushes (bristle brushes are good for covering large areas but not ideal for fine detail); brush sizes range from 01 upwards to the thickest/broadest. Choose your brushes according to the size of your canvas...small canvases require fine brushes

paints (basic colour sets usually include red, yellow, blue, white, black); canvases/ canvas panels/ canvas paper sketchbooks; a mixing palette (Boom Studios have recycled tubs we can use)

Boom Studios has a kitchen with access to running water 


Again beginner sets will have a range of primary colours to which you can add more as required. You will need white spirits or turpentine to dilute your paint (please bring them in an air-tight jar for safe transportation). Brushes can be acrylic, bristle or sable (expensive option!)

Canvases, canvas panels, oil boards, canvas sketchbooks

Oil paintings may be stored in my studio between sessions.


Magazines, photos, textiles etc...anything that you need to make your finished piece! PVA glue will be available as will "glue' brushes. You can draw and paint on your collaged surface too.





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9:30 AM09:30

Creative Friday Meet ups North Down Museum, Bangor, Co. Down

Meet at North Down Museum in the historic grounds of Bangor Castle. Grab a quick coffee and a chat before heading out into the museum and the beautiful Castle Gardens to sketch/paint/photograph your surroundings. 

Parking is tricky in the grounds but there is additional parking at the Bangor Aurora Leisure Complex. Hope to see you there. 



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